Sunday, September 21, 2014


Time changes everything.

One thing that has changed is the quality of my writing has declined. I seem to lack the mental focus to write as clearly as I once have.

It also tends to change my mind. While I don't necessarily retract my political views, I have gotten more conservative and surly, dare I say anti system? But I'm also tired, disillusioned, joints ache, disappointed. Life just has gotten harder. God seems to be missing from so much. I see more darkness than I had before.

I was going to write some blurb about how the Westboro Baptists Church is on the verge of becoming either a serious terrorist organization, or abysmally irrelevant now that Phelps has died. But WTF do I  know? I find their activities disgusting. The energy they put into sharing their personal hatred is evil. When they aren't protesting schools funerals, they are protesting Jewish communities and other communities of faithful, non-Christians. As I say this about their potential to become a dangerous organization, not just a profoundly irritating one, I realized they were once the victims of terrorism. I recall the horror I felt that anyone would bomb a church. That is when I learned they were spewing their hate before the bombing which may have been what provoked it. ugh. Sad, unforgiveable to bomb a church. Phelps was a charismatic person, albeit, one that I don't like. He has harassed and offended numerous people close to me personally just by their connection to people, places and event that took his notice.

Other than a check mark on the FBI list of organizations to watch, mentioning them is just one of my random thoughts. I bring them up in part because the media's favorite focus of terrorist groups is currently on those connected to the religion of Islam. I like to remind people that religious extremists in danger of becoming terrorists are not limited to those following the religion of Islam. But with so much mud being slung at them, it's easy to forget we have our own home grown variety with different religious roots.

Yet...Giving this much thought and type space to these people turns my stomach. They have distorted God's words to serve their own human failings and to serve hatred which is evil. God doesn't hate because hate is the seed of evil, one which these unfortunate souls create lots of. What would happen if these people actually focused their energies on something more constructive? They might actually do something akin to Christ's teachings. The loss of their efforts toward better ends is also a sin, one they will have to account to God for on their day of judgment.

Changing the subject... A few years ago I wanted to put up a post about how much it sucks to be a single parent. If for some reason you are thinking about willingly entering into this job alone, I urge you to re-consider. It's hard and it sucks. It does suck less than being a parent with an abusive partner. It does suck less than being a parent while married to a partner who is a child stuck in a man's body, with no sense of responsibility. So don't stay if you are being beaten or working yourself to death to raise your spouse. But none the less, enter into single parenthood with great hesitation, if possible.

If you have your parent partner and feel indignant about the sympathy single parents gets, then take a moment and consider this. Is it hard parenting with a partner? Yes of course it is. Indeed the efforts of maintaining your relationship are an added chore that the single parents don't have anymore. But consider all the work, money, child rearing and support your partner provides for you. Then figure how much of that you are able to replace easily should they suddenly be transported to another galaxy without warning? Then what changes in your life? Can you afford to live where you currently live? Do you have to get another job, or quit the one you have? Who will fill in for you while you are taking a bath, having a headache or doing whatever it is you did when your partner was helping you? So sure it's hard to be parents as a couple. It's harder when single, much harder. There's no back up, no break, no safety net. So be careful. Don't enter into this lightly. Children need good parents, mothers and fathers, but the majority of good parenting isn't rocket science, it is simply being there and not taking out your shortcomings on your child.

I like what Chris Rock said that 80% of being a dad is simply being there. That may be oversimplified, yet not. A dad present in a child's life makes a big and more often than not, positive difference. Even mediocre fathers and mothers usually raise decent children as long as they aren't heinously abusive. Even problem riddled parents still raise functional children. Children that have no parenting or inconsistent parenting (bouncing around from caregiver to caregiver) are the ones that wind up with very serious problems.

Ok no other meanderings tonight.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The big lie

Republicans have successfully bamboozled the working class into believing that the Republicans represent their best interests. The truth is, Republicans make the working class the slaves of the department of revenue and corporate America. They aren't so much about small government, just small government in certain places.

They talk about tax breaks and they are serious. But those tax breaks benefit businesses, entrepreneurs and wealthier Americans. The working class, particularly income brackets as low as $20k up to $65k, pay the bulk of the taxes. When Bush issued his tax relief checks a few years ago, it was on the shoulders of the working class. They say their taxes go up, not down.

Now Democrats like to tax and spend as we all know. But Republicans do too. They just shift who they tax and where they spend. Don't be fooled by the cliche's. But what surprises me is how readily the working class feeds on the b.s. that the Republicans churn out about who is responsible for their hardships. They create emotionally charged non existent problems to drive poorly informed, over taxed working class adults to the polls to vote for Republicans who don't really represent their best interests.

It's remarkable, and if you like Republicans, even commendable. They are very good at getting out an "issue" around election time to rally the little people around. The Democrats are not very good at creating that kind of solidarity, which is why they are so hit and miss in elections.

On flip side, the Republican style tax breaks create incentives for entrepreneurial expansion, self employment, and innovation. The best place to be working is on a 1099, self employment. Why? The list is long but basically when you work on a w-2 as an employee, your tax breaks are very few. The money you spend related to working is spent after you pay taxes on your earnings. When you are self employed, many of your business expenses are subtracted from your profit before it gets taxed as is also true with corporations. So even though you pay more for social security tax as a self employed, your bottom line is usually better, even in the working class brackets.

The draw back is it can be a lot of work to keep track of your expenses. You have to know what you are doing or be willing to hire someone to help you with your business accounting, or else you can get in trouble with the IRS. When the government starts to close tax breaks for businesses, they do so for the ultra small businesses of the working class. Again, because they are the easiest to mislead at election time.

The solution isn't necessarily to condemn the rich for being rich or go after them with bigger tax bills. The rich are very good at finding places to stash their money to keep it out of the tax mans hands. The solution has more to do with convincing the rich to keep and spend their money at home, which is what Republicans want to do. There isn't a simple answer because the same people who have you working like a slave, paying taxes like a slave and are depriving you of basic assistance when you need it, are also the ones who are most able to create jobs, economic opportunities and wealth that makes everyone better. Such a conundrum.

Democrats are just too all over the map when it comes to pin pointing what their faults are. Some talk like communists about taking wealth away from the wealthy. I think the communists have demonstrated that to be a poor idea. But where they are on the mark is in providing basic assistance and services to the lower incomes and on health care. The republicans have you scared about health care that is if not run by government at least controlled by it. Again, there are profits to be held on to by this way of thinking. The current health care system, the so called free market system is failing and not for the simplistic, racists, classist reasons you have been told. It has to do with greed mostly.

The reality is this. It is cheaper for the government and tax payers and average citizens and the economy to have constant access to affordable or free, high quality health care, than it is to deprive people who can't afford to pay for it until they are so sick they qualify for government assistance. Disabling illness cost astronomically more to treat than routine healthcare.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Now the progress and the retreat

The election was a euphoric and wondrous event for me and many Americans. It renewed my faith in the democratic process. Sorry for all the disgruntled GOP's out there who are bewildered and angry. The pendulum had to swing back eventually. No one can have their way all the time in a democracy.

But what we have is an imperfect system. The two party system is a failure to us all. It's become a wrestling match between two sides and nothing to stop the dirty tricks. I used to be a Republican way back when. I still embrace much of the fiscally conservative ideals of the party from over 20 years ago. But I do not have any affinity for the social agenda of the Republican party of now. The GOP's solid embrace of the very vocal minority of religious extremists has finally been it's undoing. The emotional tactics used by the party to instill fear in people are very effective, yet those people go to the polls with their brains off. I think the socially conservative Christian's should have their own party and I think the two parties that currently dominate should share with other parties. I also disagree with the social platform of the GOP because it has no understanding or care for those in need. It is women and children who are thrust into poverty by so many conditions beyond their control. The American dream of working hard and getting ahead is a myth to some. The ways to realize this dream are real and possible, but not very many people know how to do it, and the weakest in our society suffer from that.

But the average American worker is at a disadvantage too. Lot's of things must change or we will lose our status at the top rung of the ladder in world leadership and economic strength. It can't be fixed in 4 years or 8. But it can be fixed. I don't claim to know the answers. One things seems right to me one day, and another the next. Less government here more there. I don't necessarily know the answer. I do know that fear, hate, and oppression are not part of the answer, but they are getting in the way of it.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Thank you John McCain

The Republicans try to trump the Democrats aces by nominating a woman to be McCains VP running mate. The Rebulicans only seem to show an interest in social change when social change might win them a few disgruntled votes. The problems with Palin aren't just her lack of political experience. Palin fails to represent what disapointed Hillary supporters believe in. Palin does not support women's rights. The only women I see getting excited about her are women who vote republican anyway. I say thank you to John McCain because by nominating Palin, I believe he sealed Obamas successful election to the White House in November. The very few Hillary supporters that pledged their disgruntled support of McCain may not care about a woman's right to choose, or being paid .72 cents for every dollar that a man with the same qualifications makes. But the vast majority of Hillary supporters do care. We supported Hillary because she supports OUR issues, as does Obama. Palin supports conservative Republican issues.

McCain may hope that the working mother that Palin is will appeal to those of us who balance work with families. I see Palin sacrificing the well being of her 5 month old infant for her career. Perhaps governing Alaska allows her to attend to her job as a mother still, but running a presidential election campaign will not. Her 5 month old disabled son will spend many days and nights in the arms of a paid caregiver, not his mother, getting his nourishment from a bottle of formula. Careers are important but motherhood is paramount. It's funny that a socially liberal woman such as myself says this about a conservative woman such as Palin. I'm a big believer in attachment parenting and breastfeeding. I firmly believe that when we have children our duty to them comes first and to ourselves and our careers, second. No woman, no matter how skilled or well staffed, can be both a great political leader and a great mother of an infant. Older children are easier to parent with a working mother, but an infant needs his mothers constant presence. Will Palin take her son in a bouncer seat or a sling to the senate floor? Not likely.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Write in Hillary. No actually support Obama. It's time to end the senselessness in the White House right now and get the Bush's and his clones out.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Personal responsibility and the Voluntary Fatherhood project

Whoa. I just visited the website of a group called the "National Center for Men's
Voluntary Fatherhood Project."
This sounds like it is going in the right direction because men and women should be making careful decisions about when and with whom they parent children. Yet this site went from a constructive idea to a destructive venting of irresponsible ideals. Men too need to take accountability for their actions that can lead to offspring and be more proactive about protecting themselves. No matter how you point the finger of blame, only one person makes your decisions for you, you. And so some behavior modification along with minimizing this sense of entitlement about consequence-free sex is long overdue. Take ownership of your own process.

These guys got me on the first complaint about men being FORCED into parenthood. Forced? Hello? Did you miss sex ed class? Did a woman FORCE you to have sex with her? Not likely. Well then, if you're one of these whiners then here's this. If a man voluntarily has sex with a woman, which is probably 96% of the time men have sex with women, then there's no forcing. The man is consenting, unless he is too young to consent or tied up and forced. News flash boys, sex creates babies!!!! Gasp, can you believe it?

Just because you are a sexually mature male in the post sexual revolution - legal birth control age, does not alter what mother nature intended. In spite of birth control and abortion, no man or woman is entitled to free sex without the risk of mother nature succeeding. Reproducing is the only reason sex was granted to humanity. The pleasure of sex is nature's way of fooling you into doing it many times to ensure the survival of the species. No matter what technology we apply to ourselves today, the main purpose of sex remains the same.

The sense of entitlement men have is predominant in the singles dating scenes and among the dead beat dads who think they were wronged when some women got pregnant and had the audacity to inconvenience him by giving birth. Get this through you heads numb skulls, the existence of abortion doesn't entitle a man to being freed by one when birth control fails. Another point, In spite of it now being the 21st century and we're so advanced, a double standard about birth control still remains predominant. Men still expect women to provide the birth control and think it's their right to accuse them of failing to use it, when it fails. These same men are rarely willing to use the birth control available to them, and almost never willing to fore goe sexual intercourse to avoid a pregnancy. Condoms work very well and yet men make excuses for not using them. If you're a man and making excuses for not using condoms, then you either need to quit having sex with women, or get ready to be a dad. If you can't take a little responsibility for your penis, then you have no right to complain about the responsibility that you get hit with later. A few boxes of condoms cost a lot less than raising a child, and there's such a vast variety of them available, there's something for every man.

Birth control and abortion have been embraced by men as license to be the complete selfish sex driven dogs they always wanted to be but social restraints wouldn't allow. But when reality checks in, and men find out that 1)birth control fails 2) abortion isn't guaranteed they instead run away, accuse the woman of trapping them, expect a woman to abort, and play the victim when she doesn't. Men think they can lie to woman about loving her so she'll have sex with him, regularly. Men lie about wanting children with a woman so that she'll have sex with him willingly. But then when the woman gets pregnant, whether by oops or by her believing his b.s. or by mother nature's call to motherhood being stronger in her, then men think they are the ones who are betrayed. While making babies these men are being big babies.

Society as a whole is falling to pieces because of this kind of crap. The sexual revolution has betrayed us all. Now our children are growing up without fathers because the father's are too irresponsible and childish to stick around for them. The hordes of determined single men running around with women making babies complain that women are trapping them. They give no real emotional substance to relationships yet expect women to be some fairytale that charms them into love. In the old days, men knew that survival was vested in him having a family and caring for that family. Just because someone allowed sex to be fun, doesn't mean it is no longer about creating children who need to be cared for.

Sex is fun, but relationships and families are still the substance of a healthy society. Those wandering dogs that have grown into out of control packs, abandoning the women they impregnate and the children they create, are the down fall of our society, the reasons children are struggling to find what is normal and the reasons why relationships are so hard to be satisfying. We now live in a culture of entitlement that imposes that sense of entitlement in areas that it has no business being. A sense of entitlement to free unrestricted sex without consequences is based in unhealthy fantasies. It's not a reality. And the sense of entitlement seems to carry over into every aspect of dating and relationships. These same men seem to think that women are just prostitutes to satisfy their every whim, giving nothing of emotional substance in return. The lies necessary to make these arrangements happen in the first place are a clear indication that the man dispensing them is the very kind of man who will complain and call himself victim when he has a child to care for.

No one forced the man to have sex. Therefore he has no claim to being forced into parenthood. So shut up, grow up and be a man you whiners! By being a man I mean be decent to the mother of your child and be a father to them.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Lesbian mothers and breast feeding

Do many lesbian biological mother's breastfeed their babies? Recently, I was at a brunch of lesbian/bisexual single moms and I was rather embarrassed at the shocked look on the women's faces when I nursed my daughter. I only know of a limited few lesbians that ever breastfed their babies and only one who is, like me, doing extended nursing (nursing beyond 12 months). I admit while I'm in touch with the lesbian community, I don't spend enough time immersed in it to appreciate the norms on issues like this. Many of the moms were adoptive moms, which presents a challenge to breastfeeding. One must induce milk with medically prescribed hormones and a rigorous routine of pumping to get a partial supply when not giving birth. Understandable why some adopting moms choose not to undergo that course.

Breastfeeding beyond a year around other people is a challenge of it's own. I guess I didn't expect negativity from a group of women who daily have to defend their rights to be parents. Personally, I think homosexuality is as natural as breathing, no matter what degree it expresses its self in a person. To me, it is as natural to love a woman as a man. So I don't get it. Lesbians are women, just like me. Many lesbians are mothers, just like me. So why is it weird that I breast fed my child in front of them?

Breasts are nice to look at when there's not a ravenous, wiggly child attached to them. The mountains are nice to look at when there's not a ski lift attached to them as well. It certainly isn't a sexual feeling since breast feeding frequently hurts, especially when nursing a child with teeth who likes to bite, and pinch with fingers.

Is it just because Americans have such problems with breastfeeding? Or is it because lesbians seem to have more negative feelings about the female body and it's biological functions? It's bad enough to have to endure the negativity and rejection of society telling you that you're unnatural. So why then make it harder by seeing your body as unnatural?