Monday, October 22, 2007

Personal responsibility and the Voluntary Fatherhood project

Whoa. I just visited the website of a group called the "National Center for Men's
Voluntary Fatherhood Project."
This sounds like it is going in the right direction because men and women should be making careful decisions about when and with whom they parent children. Yet this site went from a constructive idea to a destructive venting of irresponsible ideals. Men too need to take accountability for their actions that can lead to offspring and be more proactive about protecting themselves. No matter how you point the finger of blame, only one person makes your decisions for you, you. And so some behavior modification along with minimizing this sense of entitlement about consequence-free sex is long overdue. Take ownership of your own process.

These guys got me on the first complaint about men being FORCED into parenthood. Forced? Hello? Did you miss sex ed class? Did a woman FORCE you to have sex with her? Not likely. Well then, if you're one of these whiners then here's this. If a man voluntarily has sex with a woman, which is probably 96% of the time men have sex with women, then there's no forcing. The man is consenting, unless he is too young to consent or tied up and forced. News flash boys, sex creates babies!!!! Gasp, can you believe it?

Just because you are a sexually mature male in the post sexual revolution - legal birth control age, does not alter what mother nature intended. In spite of birth control and abortion, no man or woman is entitled to free sex without the risk of mother nature succeeding. Reproducing is the only reason sex was granted to humanity. The pleasure of sex is nature's way of fooling you into doing it many times to ensure the survival of the species. No matter what technology we apply to ourselves today, the main purpose of sex remains the same.

The sense of entitlement men have is predominant in the singles dating scenes and among the dead beat dads who think they were wronged when some women got pregnant and had the audacity to inconvenience him by giving birth. Get this through you heads numb skulls, the existence of abortion doesn't entitle a man to being freed by one when birth control fails. Another point, In spite of it now being the 21st century and we're so advanced, a double standard about birth control still remains predominant. Men still expect women to provide the birth control and think it's their right to accuse them of failing to use it, when it fails. These same men are rarely willing to use the birth control available to them, and almost never willing to fore goe sexual intercourse to avoid a pregnancy. Condoms work very well and yet men make excuses for not using them. If you're a man and making excuses for not using condoms, then you either need to quit having sex with women, or get ready to be a dad. If you can't take a little responsibility for your penis, then you have no right to complain about the responsibility that you get hit with later. A few boxes of condoms cost a lot less than raising a child, and there's such a vast variety of them available, there's something for every man.

Birth control and abortion have been embraced by men as license to be the complete selfish sex driven dogs they always wanted to be but social restraints wouldn't allow. But when reality checks in, and men find out that 1)birth control fails 2) abortion isn't guaranteed they instead run away, accuse the woman of trapping them, expect a woman to abort, and play the victim when she doesn't. Men think they can lie to woman about loving her so she'll have sex with him, regularly. Men lie about wanting children with a woman so that she'll have sex with him willingly. But then when the woman gets pregnant, whether by oops or by her believing his b.s. or by mother nature's call to motherhood being stronger in her, then men think they are the ones who are betrayed. While making babies these men are being big babies.

Society as a whole is falling to pieces because of this kind of crap. The sexual revolution has betrayed us all. Now our children are growing up without fathers because the father's are too irresponsible and childish to stick around for them. The hordes of determined single men running around with women making babies complain that women are trapping them. They give no real emotional substance to relationships yet expect women to be some fairytale that charms them into love. In the old days, men knew that survival was vested in him having a family and caring for that family. Just because someone allowed sex to be fun, doesn't mean it is no longer about creating children who need to be cared for.

Sex is fun, but relationships and families are still the substance of a healthy society. Those wandering dogs that have grown into out of control packs, abandoning the women they impregnate and the children they create, are the down fall of our society, the reasons children are struggling to find what is normal and the reasons why relationships are so hard to be satisfying. We now live in a culture of entitlement that imposes that sense of entitlement in areas that it has no business being. A sense of entitlement to free unrestricted sex without consequences is based in unhealthy fantasies. It's not a reality. And the sense of entitlement seems to carry over into every aspect of dating and relationships. These same men seem to think that women are just prostitutes to satisfy their every whim, giving nothing of emotional substance in return. The lies necessary to make these arrangements happen in the first place are a clear indication that the man dispensing them is the very kind of man who will complain and call himself victim when he has a child to care for.

No one forced the man to have sex. Therefore he has no claim to being forced into parenthood. So shut up, grow up and be a man you whiners! By being a man I mean be decent to the mother of your child and be a father to them.

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