Saturday, August 30, 2008

Thank you John McCain

The Republicans try to trump the Democrats aces by nominating a woman to be McCains VP running mate. The Rebulicans only seem to show an interest in social change when social change might win them a few disgruntled votes. The problems with Palin aren't just her lack of political experience. Palin fails to represent what disapointed Hillary supporters believe in. Palin does not support women's rights. The only women I see getting excited about her are women who vote republican anyway. I say thank you to John McCain because by nominating Palin, I believe he sealed Obamas successful election to the White House in November. The very few Hillary supporters that pledged their disgruntled support of McCain may not care about a woman's right to choose, or being paid .72 cents for every dollar that a man with the same qualifications makes. But the vast majority of Hillary supporters do care. We supported Hillary because she supports OUR issues, as does Obama. Palin supports conservative Republican issues.

McCain may hope that the working mother that Palin is will appeal to those of us who balance work with families. I see Palin sacrificing the well being of her 5 month old infant for her career. Perhaps governing Alaska allows her to attend to her job as a mother still, but running a presidential election campaign will not. Her 5 month old disabled son will spend many days and nights in the arms of a paid caregiver, not his mother, getting his nourishment from a bottle of formula. Careers are important but motherhood is paramount. It's funny that a socially liberal woman such as myself says this about a conservative woman such as Palin. I'm a big believer in attachment parenting and breastfeeding. I firmly believe that when we have children our duty to them comes first and to ourselves and our careers, second. No woman, no matter how skilled or well staffed, can be both a great political leader and a great mother of an infant. Older children are easier to parent with a working mother, but an infant needs his mothers constant presence. Will Palin take her son in a bouncer seat or a sling to the senate floor? Not likely.

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