Saturday, March 24, 2007

Players, Hornivores, Dogs

I'm disgusted by the latest single men complaint about single mothers. If they don't like them, then they should quit making them. The only woman in the world that ever existed to attend to a man's needs was his mother, before he became a man. After that, men need to quit expecting women to exist just to serve them. The men who have the gall to complain about the singles market being laden with single mothers, are the same ones that woo a woman for sex, feed her lies about love and relationships, have unprotected or under protected sex, and then expect her to abort the baby that comes from this. When that doesn't happen, they bail and play the victims card.

Wake up jerk offs! There's a lot of parents in this world who can back up the latest admission of the pharmaceutical companies that even the best birth control is only effective 85% of the time. That's without the various problems that can occur with birth control. 85% means children are conceived whether or not you did your best to protect yourself. Which means that every time you have sex, you either need to double up on protection, or accept the possible and likely fact that you may become a parent. It's heinously selfish for any man to assume that any woman he has sex with is going to abort an inconvenient accident. Lucky for the man if she does but tough if she doesn't.

Men have control, just not where they want it. If you don't want children at all ever, then get a vasectomy! There, you just took care of your birth control issues! Or hey, here's a thought, maybe you should stop screwing around like the dog you are! Or compromise and assume that no matter what method of birth control she uses, you must back it up with a condom! If not, deal with the consequences and quit your pathetic whining!

Men who blame women for "trapping" them (especially in your 30's and 40's, how pathetic) or refusing to abort, when the man was being a player are the bane of our society. Yes, you Mr. Hornivore Player are causing the decay of all that is decent and good in society!

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